
~Mocha Latte Shake - 5g carbs
~1 Stick of string cheese - 1g carbs
~Cashews - 12g carbs
~Cashew Chicken - 10g carbs
~2 Sugar Free Hershey's Special Dark Chocolate mini bars - 8g carbs

~Sonic grilled chicken wrap - 16g carbs
~Balsamic roasted tomatoes with fresh mozzarella - 6g carbs
~3 Sugar Free Hershey's Special Dark Chocolate mini bars - 12g carbs (I'm bad)

~Scrambled eggs, ham, and green bean casserole - 12g carbs
~~Balsamic roasted tomatoes with fresh mozzarella - 6g carbs
~3 Sugar Free Hershey's Special Dark Chocolate mini bars - 12g carbs


~Mocha Latte Shake - 5g carbs
~2 Sticks of string cheese - 2g carbs
~Cashews - 12g carbs
~Cashew Chicken - 10g carbs
~Broccoli w/ cheese, pork loin, eggs, and tomatoes - 10g carbs
~2 Sugar Free Hershey's Special Dark Chocolate mini bars - 8g carbs

I don't eat as much on the weekends because I sleep later...a lot later. Oh oh, I briefly hit 11lbs this weekend. I'll "officially" get down there this week. It's been a little over a month and I have lost 10lbs. I am very satisfied with that. At this rate, I may only need to be on the diet another month or two. I do look forward to the day that I can have a bowl of spaghetti :-D

Terry made dinner for me last night :-) When I got off work, he had all my low carb staples cooking (broccoli, pork loin, eggs). I think I'm going to make another batch of balsamic roasted tomatoes tonight. The recipe is on facebook, but I'll put it on here too.

12 plum tomatoes, halved, seeds removed
1/4 cup olive oil
1.5 Tb balsamic vinegar
4 cloves minced garlic
2t sugar
1.5 t coarse salt
.5t black pepper
10 large leaves of basil

Heat oven to 450*. Arrange tomatoes on rimmed backing sheet, cut sides up. Drizzle with olive oil and vinegar. Sprinkle with garlic, sugar, salt, pepper. Roast 25-30 minutes or until tomatoes start to caramelize. Sprinkle basil over tomatoes and serve warm or at room temperature.

The recipe doesn't call for fresh mozzarella, but I add it to whatever I can. It's like butter, it makes everything taste better. So I just melt a 1/4 slice of mozzarella in the microwave for 30 seconds, then set the tomatoes on top.

Towels...I'm easy to please


~Mocha Latte Shake - 5g carbs
~1 Stick of string cheese - 1g carbs
~Cashews - 12g carbs
~Eggs with bail cream sauce and broccoli w/ cheese - 10g carbs
~Green bean casserole - 6g carbs
~Sugar Free Hershey's Special Dark Chocolate mini bar - 4g carbs

See, I'm adding variety and veggies to my diet ;-).

My paranoia is better today. I got my eggs and my car fixed (thanks to my wonderful husband), so I don't have to worry about that anymore. Also, my sweet mommy scheduled a massage for me this weekend. I all of a sudden got an e-mail saying "Thank you for scheduling a massage". It didn't take me long to figure out who did it...she has been wanting me to get one these last few days. I used to get one every 2 weeks...that was back when I was single and didn't have a mortgage to pay though :-).

Tonight I plan on counting beads, doing invitations, and thinking about working out (not working out, just thinking about it).

While we were at Wal-Mart last night, Terry came up with such a wonderful idea. We use red towels in our bathroom. I chose red because he likes it...I don't really care about red. He decided that we should start using 2 different colors (one for me, one for him). Apparently when he's sleepy in the morning, he sometimes grabs mine since they are the same color. For some reason, this idea made me so freaking excited. He didn't care what color I I was in heaven. I had a hard time choosing between "My" color pink, a pretty purple, and "Kimberly's" color purple. Kimberly and I like specific colors. I chose Kimberly's's a dark plum. I thought about calling her to see what she thought, but I already knew the answer. Btw, I love Kimberly's color purple almost as much as my color pink. Yes, all this excitement over a couple towels...

It's ok, you can laugh at me...


~Mocha Latte Shake - 5g carbs
~1 Stick of string cheese - 1g carbs
~Cashews - 12g carbs
~Eggs with bail cream sauce and broccoli w/ cheese - 10g carbs
~Sugar Free Hershey's Special Dark Chocolate mini bar - 4g carbs

Yeah, I ate pretty much the same thing yesterday as I did the day before. But guess what?? I hit the 10lb mark today!!

Besides the weight loss, I'm having a bit of a rough time. First of all, the old cat my mom took in died last night. It was not unexpected, but very sad. I intentionally tried not to get close to him, but I still cried. Eddie was a good boy.

Second, I have become a money pitt. Since getting married, I have racked up medical bills (I have NEVER had any kind of medical bill in my life) and my car has decided it wants some attention too. The window got stuck half way up, half way down a couple weeks ago. It cost $350 to fix. Now, my battery could possibly be bad. I have had to get a ride to work 2 mornings this week. If it's bad, it will cost $160 to get a new one. Apparently the new beetle batteries are expensive and a pain in the butt to change. I am very grateful that we are financially stable and able to handle these situations without going totally broke.

Third, the paranoia gets worse. I'll just go out and say it...I quit taking my birth control pills a few weeks ago. So now, I am not on ANY Rx medications...I'm all natural. But anyway, my paranoia is maybe a combo of lack of prozac and hormones going crazy? I don't know, but this is not fun, but I have to laugh at myself. Last night, I was scared to eat the last 4 eggs we have. After I ate them, I was so worried because I didn't have anymore eggs!! How ridiculous is that?? It's not like I can't go get more. It gets better. I was in bed reading the news about the China earthquake last night. I am now paranoid that we are getting close to the end of the world. Specifically, that we will be hit by an asteroid. Omg, how bad is this? I'm embarrassed that I'm even typing this out for everyone to read. I hope I'm giving someone a good laugh. It is weird, my heart is telling me I should be worried about this stuff, but my head is saying "WTF, snap out of it". That is why I think it might be hormone related. Oh, and I was outside loving on my plants when I heard the bushes in our yard rustle. It was after dark, so I couldn't see anything, but Yogi growled at the noise (at least that means I wasn't hallucinating). I freaked out and ran to Terry. He got a flashlight and looked around for me, of course, there was nothing there. Guess what my first stupid thought was? It was the robbers trying to look into our sunroom to see what they could come by and steal. Again, I FEEL paranoid, but I KNOW I shouldn't be. Yes, it has to be hormones. BTW, Terry is an amazing husband...he hasn't gotten frustrated with me at all :-D

Terry is going floating this weekend...I can only imagine what kind of things I will make up to be worried about. I think I need some chocolate.



~Mocha Latte Shake - 5g carbs
~1 Stick of string cheese - 1g carbs
~Cashews - 12g carbs
~Eggs with bail cream sauce and broccoli w/ cheese - 10g carbs
~Sugar Free Hershey's Special Dark Chocolate mini bar - 4g carbs (and totally worth it)

My mom and Terry are really noticing the weight loss now. I guess I can see it a little. I'm sooo close to 10lbs I can taste it...hopefully by the end of the week I can hit that mark.

I have learned that I am a a little paranoid w/o Prozac in my system. Since my mom got robbed, I am scared to leave our blinds open. I try to hide our laptop before I go to work and I am scared to leave lamps on while I'm gone (I'm scared Heidi will knock them over and start a fire). And now since my mom saw someone die on a motorcycle, driving around makes me nervous. It always made me a little nervous, but man, it terrifies me now. Terry's driving never scared me much before, but now I am always putting my foot on my invisible break pedal. I'm also startled pretty easily. Terry can just walk into a room and I will jump and yelp. I know those are valid reason's to be a little more cautious and aware, but not super paranoid about). I hope that goes away with time. Poor Terry had no idea what he was getting himself into when he married me :-).

Down a size!


~Mocha Latte Shake - 5g carbs
~2 Sticks of string cheese - 2g carbs
~Cashews - 12g carbs
~Chicken and beef from a chinese buffet - 15g carbs
~Sugar Free Jello - 0g carbs
~Pickle - 1g carbs

Well, I have realized that if we want to go on a vacation anytime soon, we need to do it before the end of June. We have a huge software release at work and they are expecting everything to just explode (in a good way). So, it would probably be best if both Terry and I were around for that. So, where do we go? I have told him we could always go to Disney World and get the free dining plan promotion ;-). He will be sick of that place soon. Maybe he would want to go to NYC.

^^I actually wrote this on Friday and forgot to post it...oops^^


~Mocha Latte Shake - 5g carbs
~2 Sticks of string cheese - 2g carbs
~Cashews - 12g carbs
~Grilled cheese (w/o the bread...pretty much just cheese) and tomato basil soup from Hammontrees - 15g carbs
~Sugar Free Jello - 0g carbs

Terry and I went on a date on Dickson. We ate at Hammontrees then walked down Dickson and to Scarpinos. We hadn't been back there since we were it was neat to go back to the exact spot we stood when we got married. Gosh I loved our wedding :-)

Saturday and Sunday:

~BBQ pulled pork - 5g carbs
~Green eggs and ham - 2g carbs
~Hazelnut chocolate chip cookies - 5g carbs
~Some other stuff, but I stayed on my diet

We went and helped my grandparents out this weekend. My grandpa broke his arm and my grandma has been busy helping him. Me, Terry, my mom, Ben, and Laura went down there to help out. We fixed his computer up, cut hair, planted tomatoes, and hung around so my grandma could get groceries.

Terry and I also got some of Gary's BBQ (the best in town) and went to the park to eat. We then drove around with the top down. Somehow we ended up at his parent's house. They gave us some garlic and a few other plants to put outside our house. My uncle gave us his upside down tomato planter. It's one of those where you can grow herbs and stuff on top too. So I have a few tomato plants and garlic in there right now. Soon I will put some basil and bell peppers in there...that is if I don't kill it first :-) I'm not exactly a green thumb, but I'm trying.

Oh, and my weight is down a constant 9lbs now! And what's better? I'm down 1 jeans size!! My waist is down 1.25 inches and my hips are down 1.25 inches.

Test results and vitamins


~Mocha Latte Shake - 5g carbs
~2 Sticks of string cheese - 2g carbs
~Cashews - 12g carbs
~Eggs with basil cream sauce - 5g carbs
~Sugar Free Jello - 0g carbs

Wow, I pretty much at the same thing yesterday as I did the day before. I have discovered that eggs are amazing. I mean, I knew they were awesome already, but dang! The last 2 nights I have eaten 4 eggs (without the yolk) with cream sauce. I will eat around 6pm and won't get hungry the rest of the night. I will usually munch on Jello throughout the night, but that is pretty much like drinking water...there is nothing in it. Not only that, but I have energy to work out for about 40 minutes or longer. I am so amazed with how this diet is going. I wish I knew exactly why it is amazing this time around. Seeing carbs and not being able to eat them is the worst part. My gut is still telling me it's the D3 and other vitamins. Going off of Prozac has probably helped too. I think I need start eating more veggies...eww. Maybe I can eat some if I smother them in cheese. Cheese makes everything better, just like butter.

I got the rest of my blood test results back (I was tested back in February). I was thinking it was only a test for B vitamins, but apparently not. I had to pay $170 as a copay for the test, so I was wondering why it was so expensive. Now I see, and I don't regret it at all. They tested all of my vitamins. Surprisingly, I wasn't deficient in anything but B1 and D3. Specifically, I was tested for:

~B Complex Vitamins
~Amino Acids
~Fatty Acids
~Other Vitamins
~Carbohydrate Metabolism

There were a few levels that were normal, but a little low. The lab results packet came with suggestions as to how I can raise those levels. That being said, I'm going to start taking a few other supplements for a little while. Now, my regimen will be:

~My awesome multivitamin- Nature Made Multi For Her Multivitamin
~B1 supplement - 100mg
~Magnesium - 500mg
~D3 - 5,000 IU
~CoQ10 - 100mg
~Acai extract - 500mg

I just ordered a bunch of stuff from My mother-in-law uses them and loves them. So I will give it a try. Apparently I saved $99 by purchasing through them. Yeah!

Losing more weight


~Mocha Latte Shake - 5g carbs
~2 Sticks of string cheese - 2g carbs
~Cashews - 12g carbs
~Eggs with basil cream sauce - 5g carbs
~Sugar Free Jello - 0g carbs
~1 low carb cookie - 5g carbs

It is ridiculous how much Jello I have eaten in the last week. I'm guessing it's around 3 boxes. You can't get much better than a sweet snack with 0 carbs. I will usually eat 1/2 box in 1 sitting. I wonder if there is anything bad that comes from eating so much Jello...I'll have to research that.

I'm getting closer the the 10lb mark! Hopefully by tomorrow morning I will have lost a good 9lbs. I worked out for 40 minutes last night...I hated every second of it. Haha I really hate working out.

Etsy is being good to me. I have already made 4 sales since yesterday morning, two of from returning customers. I also have another order in the works right now...hopefully it will go through later today.

Not much else today